
East Midlands Labour Business Connect is a business membership organisation, which shares the values and principles of the Labour Party. Leadership and direction is provided by a group of SME business owners and business consultants who are either individual members of the Labour Party, or who openly support and contribute to the party’s work in the region.

East Midlands Labour Business Connect acts as a bridge between the Labour Party and the wider business community in the East Midlands. We recognise that Labour must listen to business and promote a productive exchange of views. Commerce is changing more quickly than ever before. Global warming, artificial intelligence, skills supply, access to finance, the ageing population, EU-exit and now, COVID19 are among the factors driving this change. Our country needs sustainable, ethical and long-term policies to support businesses in the East Midlands and to help them thrive.

East Midlands Labour Business Connect believes that progressive, forward thinking Labour government in Westminster, and locally is the answer. The Labour Party stands for a society and an economy that is fair, equitable and just. We will work with businesses to make this happen through:

Business engagement leading a conversations with business, through roundtables, forums and webinars.

Policy development based on evidence collected from open and honest engagement with business in the East Midlands, we work with the Labour front bench team, parliamentarians, local government leaders and policy forums in the party to develop business policies for the 2024 General Election Manifesto.

Campaigning developing effective communication and stakeholder engagement strategies to ensure that Labour’s policies on business and the wider economy secure broad support in the East Midlands.

East Midlands Labour Business Connect believes that successful business needs good government, and good government needs successful business. Come and join the conversation.